What is imagined in your mind if the doctor sentenced to kidney failure? Life seemed to end, to survive had to perform a kidney transplant or dialysis in the hospital for life. Kidney is one of the vital organs for humans. During this time it was thought inappropriate that the kidneys produce urine only. Though there are many functions that play a pair of organs shaped like kidney beans and the amount of approximately fist of this.
Among others, regulate acid-base balance and body fluids, and regulate blood pressure and metabolism (formation) of bone. In addition, the kidneys also produce hormones eritroprotein (EPO) which sends signals to the bone marrow to make red blood cells.
Among others, regulate acid-base balance and body fluids, and regulate blood pressure and metabolism (formation) of bone. In addition, the kidneys also produce hormones eritroprotein (EPO) which sends signals to the bone marrow to make red blood cells.
If impaired renal function, or even fail, not only decreases quality of life, lifelong treatment must also take no small cost. In these conditions the kidney function decreases to less than 15 percent of waste materials more useful to the body can not be removed and eventually poison the body. Kidney increasingly smaller (shrink) and there is no medicine that can restore it as before.
To replace him, the patient should perform renal replacement therapy (TPG) through a kidney transplant or dialysis. Kidney transplants were performed by transplanting a kidney healthy people (donors) to the body of the patient (recipient), so patients can live a normal life without having to do dialysis. TPG is the most expensive compared to other therapies. This is due to the difficulty of looking for kidney donors, and drugs that should be taken pascatransplantasi too expensive.
"Looking for kidney donors is very difficult. In fact, people can live a normal life with only one kidney," says kidney disease experts from RS PGI Cikini Jakarta, Dr. stumps D Situmorang SpPD KGH Dipl / MMed Sci.
He said the success or failure of the transplant was measured from two things, namely the success of surgical and medical. After successfully transplanted the donor kidney to a recipient, then see whether the kidneys are able to function properly? "If no match can occur hyperacute rejection," he says, adding that the best donors are family members of first-line, ie father, mother, or siblings. "It deals with the suitability of the type of tissue factor, the appropriate tissue typing it, the greater the level of success," he added.
Meanwhile, hemodialysis (HD) or known to be using a dialysis machine. With pumps (pump), blood flowed out of the body to dialiser (artificial kidney) to be cleaned. Cleaning fluid (dialysate) flows into the artificial kidney (dialiser) which serves to clean the toxins and remove fluid from the body through the process of diffusion and ultrafiltration. Once cleaned, the blood flowed back into the body. HD should be performed in hospitals, with a frequency of 2-3 times a week and the process takes 4-5 hours.
In addition to these two therapies, the patient can also choose the dialysis membrane of the abdominal cavity through which a continuous or CAPD (Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis). In this case that serves as a filter membrane or membranes are the peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity) so that CAPD is known to wash the blood through the stomach.
The process begins by inserting the dialysis fluid into the abdominal cavity through a catheter tube that has been implanted in the abdominal cavity. The technique makes use of the abdominal cavity membranes to filter and cleanse the blood. When the dialysis fluid in the abdominal cavity, toxic substances in the blood will be cleaned and excess water will be withdrawn. This process is done four times a day and is practical because it can be done alone at home by the patient after a trained first. The time needed for each turn of the liquid is 30 minutes.
Symptoms Come Not Knowingly
In modern times, many diseases that come with no complaints. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) usually develops slowly and chronic nature with few symptoms at first. "Sometimes it feels no symptoms at all, knew the time of diagnosis was kidney failure," says kidney specialist from Cikini Hospital, Prof. Dr. Endang Susalit SpPD DR-KGH. "There are many causes of kidney failure. If in Indonesia mostly because of diabetes, hypertension, kidney stones and infections," said he.
Although difficult to detect, if impaired renal function will usually cause complaints such as swelling of the body starting from the legs, rough skin, nausea and vomiting, taste disturbance and decreased appetite.
In addition, of weakness and fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, pallor and anemia. In some patients also experience itching, decreased libido, dilated veins in the neck, cramps, convulsions, and even unconscious (coma). Complaints may vary between patients with one another.
For that the need for the examination to kidney specialists (nephrologist) to prevent or slow the decline in kidney function by controlling the causes of disease or comorbidities. Do a healthy and balanced diet to control the intake of protein, sodium, and potassium according to the recommended therapy.
In addition, regular exercise is also important to do, and certainly do everything according to the instructions and recommendations from doctors. (Koran SI / SI Newspapers / FTR)
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