CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

Commonly known as CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept of sustainable development when a company is profit but also have a responsibility towards the environment and social welfare of the surrounding community. The basis of liability would this policy in Indonesia is Law No. 40 of 2007.
Reflection of this policy can be seen from the two main action or commonly known as corporate charity and good corporate governance. Visible form of corporate charity of how a company contributing to the community in need.
The practice is often the case in the field is in the form of cash. For example, the provision of funds for disaster relief, educational scholarships, or loans for economic development to lower middle class. Forms of action can be seen also from non-cash assistance. For example, by the guidance to a particular community, and so forth.
The second form of CSR action is good corporate governance. This term will often we hear on the issues of companies engaged in the business world. The term is commonly known with good business ethics. Thus, the company concerned in the operations shall be in accordance with the governance of professional and full of integrity.
Viewed at a glance the policy is to reduce the funds from the company. Because, should some of the funds or resources that formerly could be used to build and expand its business should be allocated to build communities around. However, in practice this policy in the long run it gives a positive impact for the company.
Usually, companies take advantage of this policy is to build the reputation of the company concerned. The results of these was the emergence of a positive branding in the community and consumers. Besides other advantages that arise from these policies is the emergence of a sense of pride in the company's internal. It arises because of an act which can companies do to help the people who really need other than merely pursuing profit (social pride).
In addition to the obligation to see the point of view the company should also look at it from the side of the business strategy. This corresponds with the objectives of the company itself that is where the profit is profit earned by the construction of a prosperous society.
In other words, would be quite difficult to build a competitive economy with social land "barren". And, in the end of this CSR policy helps to build human values ​​and can change the view that business is not just teaching a profit but also have a role in building a better life order.

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