Dating according my opinion

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Bismillahirrohmanirrahiim. Good morning all, may God always mengkaruniakan us happiness every morning. Ameen. This morning I went back to thinking about something that might have been has become a common conversation discussed. I have been recalled after kmaren night there are 2 friend who was much younger than me, a woman and a man, asking the same question about a matter to me. He asked: "according to the brother, it need not dating?" At that time I tried to explain everything I can, about Islam's view and my personal views about dating. Details: I start from its definition alone, it's what's Dating? Actually, if were like that, I am also confused. For what? Because there is no definite definition of courtship itself, the definition is uncertain that arise from the absence of a clearly recognized batasan2 for everyone. But because I am Muslim, I certainly have limitations that clearly fit the Al Quran and Hadith. That means I can not resist going out but also do not dare to forbid nor justifies the mentah2 courtship. That is necessary dtinjau again through several related aspects. Subhan Allah, God has created us as individuals * with a complex unity of the unit, endowed with reason and feeling. So that we can think and feel the beauty no doubt and no not just for dhikr and thank him for all that abounded. Including love, .. Love is beautiful, Love is a form of affection. But love is no more beautiful if it has been tekontaminasi by the passions and solicitation syaiton (naudzubillah min forbid). In general, courtship is a condition of attachment in a relationship based on affection of a spouse in the premarital stage means there is no bond memakhramkan. Actually this is the result of premarital jenjang2 culture western culture, beginning with some terms like puppy love, dating (dating), courtship, engagement (engagement) and so on. The ultimate goal is to know each other between the couple before they finally decided to get married. In Islam that I know of no term dating, that there is only "Ta'aruf" more or less the same goal. Earlier I said that I do not want to deny and reject what is already a provision, I just wanted to express my opinions and views. Even though correct, then the truth tiu only belongs to God, and if one then my error alone which has limited thinking. Ta'aruf is one of the series of processes in the procession to Khitbah in Islam. But sorry, I think the process Ta'aruf opinions of the scholars of my value is too short and too simple to know the character of an individual prior to marriage. Marriage is half of religion, so it's not things that can be considered main2. Therefore in selecting pasanganpun benar2 should be selected according to criteria well. Mengenalpun should not only get to know him personally but also familiar with the family and background. As a proverb says, "when you get married, then marry her family too." dituntuk also means we are here to socialize with both intercourse and also with family members. adopted the Java term, we must know the seed, bebet, weight, .. Now therefore, I as an ordinary man has had experience dating beberapakali (hehehehe). Olehkarenanya, I can say that the process to know it all takes time and tahapan2 are not easily obtained and pliers pula.Pada essentially short term dating itself can be interpreted differently, even if it is a story of courtship dmaksudkan lovebirds are just for you two lovebirds in a relationship, for fun and lead to disobedience, then it is not allowed. But if that meant here as an instrument to identify further candidate companion, with a record of the existing restrictions should be maintained, then one should not, because in Islam there is the term itself Ta'aruf before the wedding. Ta'aruf purpose here is merely to recognize the character of our potential partner, not for having fun together. Go alone without the company of a mahram or family, should be avoided. Because we do not know what can and might happen. These provisions remain in force despite ahrus already in the process leading to marriage. During the marriage has not been done is still non-mahram. Shari'a restrictions must also be maintained. In a hadith the Messenger of Allah shohih. asserted "It is not permissible for men and women to seclusion (alone), because all three of them are actually Satan, except for a mahram." (Reported by Ahmad and Bukhari, Muslim). So in my opinion. If you value a lot perkatan less willing, I apologize that setulus2nya. Since I also still have much to learn. If there is a valuable input I would be happy to review. It was limited to sharing only, while remembering the questions from two of my friends, may take a little benefit from it. Truth only belongs to God alone, and we can only strive. Fastabiqu Khoirot. Jazakallahu khoiron katsiron. Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ..

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