Limiting the limited of Thoughts?

Assalamu'alaikum wahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Bismillahirrohmanirrohiim .. For a long time I did not write a note containing my experiences. This paper, I make no more than uneg2 .. We considered an intelligent being, of course, every creature endowed with reason undoubtedly has the ability to think. I think thinking is a necessity ... Vital means to me, sampai2 can sya suppose if I was more able to live without someone who cares around me, than I have to stop thinking in my life ... I've a discussion with one of the brothers (no need I mention his name), amid a discussion I think there is a misunderstanding, which eventually led to hatred (astaghfirullahadziim) but thanks, no more than an hour we had forgotten and reconciliation. I value the discussion at that time was the discussion is quite sensitive, because it involves trust and faith-related differences in some religious sects. Before I say, I did admit my religious knowledge may still be far below you, and friends all, even with friends that I told you .. I tell my friend, Praise be to Allaah I believe that each stream of Islam in which nothing is taught to each berpecahbelah krna mmprtahankan masing2 their ideology. It was petty and not worthy of the recognition he (the flow) if until mengnjurkan it happens. I personally appreciate and respect each stream (Islam) which benar2 purely preached to the people (hold on to the Qur'an, al-hadith, As Sunnah). Differences of opinion among Muslims is always there, but rather to be contrasted and sharpened with each other and mengkafirkan mensesatkan one another. Main differences of opinion matters Sunnah, nafilah allowed this should be discussed by the scholars on both sides. Because each party equally based on the book of Allah (Qur'an) and Sunnah of Allah's Apostle of Allah. (Hadith), but differ in terms of interpretation and decay (their perspective). I do not mean menjudgement one of the many streams / schools of Islam in Indonesia is, it's just that I want to open a mind of my fellow brother Muslims to remain vigilant against a slander and heresy of a doctrine which is contained in a madhhab. Incidentally my friend did have the belief that inclines to the schools, schools of Islam Wahhabi / Salafi .. Maybe then I said something that he offended, pdahal I do not mean to bring it up, I simply say: "I appreciate every stream that you profess, and I do not want to because the flow in one creed of pluralism we stained the existence of bigotry that cause disunity among the people , felt to be the best, so without hesitation assert that schools do not operate with them is tantamount to "infidels." Suddenly to my surprise he replied: "Just so you know ya And my flow (read: salafi) is the flow of the purest, sourced on the quran and hadith sahih, it is "petty" people who say so. "I was shocked, he said in a statement tiba2 things I did not expect, and he as resolutely insular people who judge me" Honestly, I ignited emotions of the moment I say, "I say this is not aimed by me focus on one stream / schools, schools trmasuk you!" in my heart I say: It is precisely from kata2mu had his own show you what has been embedded dipikiranmu aliranmu whether it comes from or is a character that is still difficult to control kpribadianmu egosentrikmu .. But not the heart kuucap kpadanya, I just went on my saying that: "What I mean here, not the flow but that is still possessed oknum2 egocentric in it" .. I do not want memperpnjang problem, because from the beginning I did not like the problem prbedaan flow / schools are divisive mnjadi machine Muslims, I do not know what I do and I say this is true or not, but my intention is only one, eliminating the hatred in the hearts Our rope so as not to damage our friendship ..
Well, Maybe I am wrong submission language, or he misunderstood the purpose of my words. But it did not matter who's slah skrag and true, since truth belongs only to God and I am as a human endeavor have so far only ... In my endeavor to use my mind because I am intelligent beings, .. But afterwards I realized my mind is limited, I often apologize when it was over my pndapat convey in a forum, because maybe I pikiran2 still too wild and ambitious as well as in the opinion of my inability to see from every point of view of different people who listen to my opinion .. And I'm sure, in every opinion I would not be able to please all the people there, so will you .. let alone me, who do I have to admit more familiar with, meet and talk with more opposite kinds and levels of people so that later I would be wise to look at every different point of view of each person .. So I created this record .. Not to intend to open a forum that pursing a dispute, just sharing it .. Hopefully my experience is helpful, inshaAllah for myself, and for rekan2 dear reader .. I still learned a lot, and still expect guidance from people who are more familiar than me, so I do not claim my self-righteous .. Truth only belongs to God alone ... Let's keep their best on the right path .. Do not limit our thinking, because our minds are already strained sbenarnya .. Fastabiqu Khoirot .. Jazakallahu khoiron katsiron .. Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ..

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