Habibie, Suharto's cleverest student?

George J. Aditjondro:

We delivered on fellow student

Habibie, the students 'service learning' the smartest Suharto ----------------------------------------- ----- George J. Aditjondro Newcastle, March 25, 1998

Introduction: At the request of his friends in Indonesia, following me about BJH cuplik part of my recent posts titled, "Suharto judgmental! Demand accountability for the 100-foundation of wealth". Happy reading. GJA.

Nine Habibie Foundation: In the seventh, including foundations that are now indirectly controlled by the Suharto through a "puppet president", BJ Habibie, through five tracks: technology, ICMI, alumni Germany, Sulawesi and Batam.

First of all, since 1984 Habibie served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees Technology Development Foundation of Indonesia. The foundation is always mentioned in various biographies Habibie (Salam, 1987; Makka, 1986), with no real description of what has been done the foundation. So now is the time to hold the foundation, which may have gotten some from BPPT public money or other entity controlled by Habibie. Especially considering that reforestation funds could be utilized to Habibie's aircraft factory, with the blessing of former President Suharto.

Second, as former Chairman of ICMI, positions he has not officially replaced by a congress, Habibie was still able to use the various organs of ICMI to mobilize support for Suharto. Hence, by ICMI, which is now led by former corrupt Bulog, Achmad Tirtosudiro, confidant of Suharto since the time of the same corrupt Kolognas (Crouch, 1988: 278-281), Suharto master Abdi Nations Foundation, the owner of PT Abdi Nations which publishes the daily Republika and magazines Ummat, where Suharto be protective, Yayasan Amal Abadi Beasiswa Parents Lead Integrated (ORBIT) chaired by dr. Mrs Hasri Ainun Habibie, and the Foundation Wallet Dhuafa Republika (Prospect, 19 December 1992: 34).

The role of both the foundation and wealth of the past can not be underestimated, and is strongly associated with the foundations controlled by Suharto directly. Among Muslim journalists in Jakarta, Yayasan Orbit enough known, because the foundation can provide recommendations discount airline tickets and various other facilities. In early 1996, the Foundation has managed to fill Orbit koceknya some two billion dollars in cash fished all government bank (Bapindo, BRI, Bank Exim, BDN, BBD, BTN, and BNI 46), as well as a number of private banks, namely Bank Anrico (new it was dissolved), Bukopin, Bank Intan, Muamallat Bank, National Bank, the Bank Nusa, and Prosperity Bank Board. In early 1996, the cooperation is being explored with ten other private banks, such as the Space Bank, Bank Duta, Bank Danamon, Bank Dwipa, BCA, BII, Bank Lippo, Bank Universal, Bank of Victoria, and National Commercial Bank (Java Post, 24 April 1996; Forum for Justice, Jan. 1. 1996: 107).

As we know, BCA, Bank Danamon, Bukopin, Bank Duta, BUN, Prosperous Bank Board, and Universal Bank, controlled by Suharto's click through the family of Liem Sioe Liong, Suharto's three children (Tutut, Sigit, and Titiek), Bob Hasan, and family Djojohadikusumo. Hence, the more overlapping the wealth of Suharto foundation with each other, through the fundraising activities of the Foundation of this orbit.

Foundation Wallet <span> Dhuafa Republika, richer, because in 1996 the Foundation has successfully earned money of Rp 4 billion from a donor who was identified </ span> (Justice Forum, 8 Sept. 1997: 97).

Habibie's power - as Suharto's right hand - the very foundations of ICMI. Parni Hadi was he who crossed out from the post of Production Director of PT Abdi Nations, and pushing Beddu Amang is also Treasurer and Chairman of the Presidium KAHMI ICMI (Family Alumni HMI), a commissioner of the Republika newspaper publishing company, and Chairman of Yayasan Abdi Nations. Thus, Suharto supporters click on the ICMI environment is also more solid. Because Beddu Amang commissioner also Bustanil Arifin family company, PT Nusantara Bormindo, with AR Ramly is also one of the commissioners of PT Astra International (Jakarta Post, 18 Febr. 1994; Justice Forum, 8 Sept. 1997: 97).

Then, through Habibie as patron of the German scholar, Suharto will be the stronger influence Yayasan Bina Bhakti (YBB). The foundation was established in October 1977 by the alumni of Germany, which initially aims to help realize the re-integration program. "To facilitate our students who study in Germany to devote himself to the country, returning to the homeland," he said Lilik D. Susbiantoro, Chairman of the Board YBB in Prospect magazine, October 6, 1990.

In an effort to help the reintegration process, the YBB presents a number of bids for the alumni Germany, al connect them with companies or institutions that require staff and expertise. Then, the Business Circle YBB, according to its chairman, Faisal Djalal is a vessel of the German alumni who jumped into the entrepreneurial world (Prospect, 9 October 1990: 33).

Then, through Habibie as the son of Sulawesi, North Sulawesi in particular, Suharto was able to gain the sympathy the people of the province through Wallacea Development Foundation. The foundation, in addition to supported Habibie, also supported Ibnu Sutowo, general chairman of the foundation. One of the "project" of this foundation is the establishment of a university in the capital-Mongondow Bolaang district, as regional research center of fauna and flora of Wallacea are represented in the National Park Nani Bogane Wartabone covering 325 thousand hectares (Technology, December 1994: 74; sources others).

Finally, through the power of the family on the island of Batam Habibie, Suharto's family can also be 'splashed' monopoly on the management of hospitals and schools on the island. Unofficial monopoly held by the Family Foundation of Batam, which is chaired Mrs Sri Rejeki Habibie, brother BJ Habibie, who is married to Major General (Ret.) Sudarsono Dharmo-Suwito. Former head of the BIDA (Batam Industrial Development Authority) (1978 -1988) who take shelter under the Batam Authority, which still serves as Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Batam whose power exceeds the sub-district politically.

Chairman of the Batam Authority itself, since B.J. (Rudy) <span> Habibie was appointed a Vice President, delegated to his brother, JE (Fanny) Habibie. Former Ambassador in London had previously served as Director General of Sea Transportation in the tragedy Tampomas II in 1981, </ span> who drowned at least 800 people (Tempo, 21 Febr 1981: 13; Kompas, March 27, 1998).

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