LIPI Biology

History of Biological Research Center (P2B) may be withdrawn since the colonial era circa 1800's. In 1834 Raffles, Governor of Java, founded the botanical garden in Bogor, which later developed into a research station named Land Plantentuin. This station accommodates all work in the field of taxonomy of plants and animals, where thousands of wildlife Indonesia later given the scientific name. Along with its development, the study also memeri attention to the development of insects (entomology) in line with the fact that at the time the insect is a major pest to agriculture. It gave way for the founding of the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, or the Museum of Zoology Bogor 1894. Over time, the results of research dominate the international scientific forums, these institutions became stronger and stronger again. Therefore this institution is very meaningful for the international scientific world, this institution is not affected by the war which raged during the early 20th century. Indonesia until the country obtained independence, the agency is always free from the influence polikik conditions and social chaos. In the period after independence, the Indonesian government changed the name of the Institute of Land Plantentuin Hortus Botanicus Center (LHBP), or the Botanical Gardens Indonesia (KRI), or the Bogor Botanical Gardens (KRB). This institution is under the administration of Department of Nature Research (DPA), which later renamed the Central Institute for Nature of Inquiry (LPPA) under the Ministry of Agriculture.

In 1962 MPR decree No. unfounded. II, 1960, the Bogor Botanical Gardens and LPPA it themselves separated from the Ministry of Agriculture, and renamed National Biological Institute (lbn) under administrai Scientific Assembly of Indonesia (MIPI), which later changed its name to the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). In a further development based on presidential decree No.I, 1986 on reorganisai LIPI, the name was changed to the National Institute of Biology and Developmental Biology Research Centre, followed by the establishment of two new institutes of the Biotechnology Research and the Center for Limnology. Based on the Decree No. LIPI head. P2 23/kep/D.5/1987 Biology commissioned to conduct research and development of biological sciences, improving the ability of the scientific community, and develop services and distribution of biological information in an effort to raise public awareness of biological diversity of Indonesia.

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